Kj has returned! Sorry about that, bee tee dubs. I won't let it happen again.
I have a favorite animal. It's a squirrel. I can't remember how that happened, but it's been true since I was about 12.
In other news, one time I went to the zoo. And then, I saw my second favorite animal. A squirrel monkey! I bet you ten billion dollars that you didn't know that existed. Well that's okay because we're all pretty dumb until we discover things. And the day I discovered the squirrel monkey was a joyous occasion. Here's some pics.
As you can tell, the connection was instantaneous. He literally came right to me. I named him omelet.
While we're on the subject, my third favorite animal is a group of animals: albinos. Albino people are cool, and I have indeed met a few in my lifetime. But, albino animals are cooler. One day in 2010 I decided to make an albino squirrel my profile picture. No, I wasn't 10, I was actually 15, but I'm not ashamed of it. Here's a screen shot for proof.
Last, my fourth favorite animal is also a group of animals: pygmys. Pygmy squirrels are freaking cute. You can get on google rampages looking up pygmy animals. So google at your own risk.
Alright, I'm so glad you're all enlightened on my animal preferences. I try to keep it at 4, but you never know when a new one will fall into your life. As Emily Osment would say, keep your e-eyes open. Actually that's Taylor Swift, but same difference. At least I didn't say Hannah Montana.
Love, Kj
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