
This is my not election post

Unlike some people, I loved all the election posts!  However, seeing as I am still a minor and thus cannot vote, I feel my voice was not heard, so I cannot offer an opinion on the subject of the election.  Actually I can:  BOOOOOO.  That's all I have to say about that.

In other news, I received this interesting voicemail while I was at cheer the other day.  Take a listen:

It was from Tucson, where I once resided... like four years ago.  So that's weird.  But overall I just think it's weird.  Weird things happen to me.  Like this other weird thing... that I can't blog about... because people would get offended... so use your imagination.
Anyway, I called her/ him/ it back to schedule the play date, but I didn't get a reply.  I find that odd.  Just a word of advice:  if you call someone to set up a play date, and then they don't answer, so they call you back, but then you don't answer, then just text them.  It's easier.  And then if your voice sounds like this girl's (guy's?  dwarf's?), nobody has to listen to it. 

Ok, have a great night kiddos!!

Love, Kj

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